If you are new to fish keeping, you may want to start out easy with just the betta. Is this tank to small to add other fish to? But if you take the time to learn more about goldfish care, you’ll see there are some very good reasons that this is a bad idea. I suspect that played a big part in the demise of the neons. I see no reason you can't give it a try. Less stress for him, and he might even live longer. I would put some effort into making the smaller tank a nice home for her so she settles down a bit. Betta fish can be too (which is the point of this article), but they are loners and you need to give them space or else they get stressed and may lash out at other fish. I have a 3 gallon tank i recently bought and it had a whole lot of hidey holes in it. As stated in this article, I do not advise adding tankmates to a Betta tank smaller than 10 gallons. Siamese Fighting Fish. This video is unavailable. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on March 19, 2017: @ Jen: That sounds fine, except I'd avoid the pleco unless you go with a smaller species like the Rubber-lipped Pleco. In my tank I have 5 neon tetras, 2 zebra snails, an algae eater and my male Betta. Betta fish can have tank mates and even live in a community tank under certain conditions. Races conseillées pour la cohabitation avec le poisson combattant : L'Ancistrus. Les alevins tout juste nés sont très petits et ne mesurent que quelques millimètres. However, you also know that male betta fish have a fierce reputation for fighting, and you might fear that any other fish he comes across will be in for a bruising. See our hand-picked selection of the best betta fish food, fish tank decorations, aquarium filters, and betta fish toys to provide hours of enrichment. If I have nine fish in my tank how many more fish can I put in. Good luck with whatever direction you go from here. D'accord et si on les met dans un aqua avec d'autres espèces ( platy, guppy, néon, xipho ... ) ??? Bac communautaire avec bêta mâle et femelle aucun soucis. The worst, of course, is aggression. There's plenty of live plants and hiding places. I'm also wondering about the water itself. Also, I never though about African dwarf frogs being good tankmates for bettas. So, no, I would not add any fish to his tank. Wondering what can live with betta fish? I'm going to do what you recommend and let the Cories establish themselves before I add my Betta, but I was wondering how long it took for them to do that? The African dwarf frog could make a great tank mate as long as you have a secure lid on your tank and ensure your betta doesn't pick on them. Like I could have veggies Monday, bloodworms Tuesday. This article intends to dispel some of the myths about betta fish and give you some practical advice about choosing tank mates. For aquariums 10 gallons and larger, Aqueon Preset Heaters, Submersible Heaters and Pro Heaters work best. Shortly after the other fish started spinning around and 2 more died with in the hour. Pour la reproduction, introduisez 2 mâles et 3 femelles dans un aquarium de 30 litres garni de mousse de Java (Vesicularia dubyana). I only found 2 bodies and those bodies i found weren't nibbled on at all. Keep an eye on things for a while just to be sure, but it sounds like you've got things under control. However, I am reading here I should have done it the other way around. He eventually nipped an eyeball out of one of the tetras, so we removed him immediatly. As an older fish he is probably a little weaker, and his immune system may not be what it used to be. Good luck, and have that backup plan ready to go. Learn more here Créez un compte en quelques clics ou connectez-vous pour continuer. Overfeeding and excess waste can also lead to algae and bacterial blooms. Si tu a un bac adapté au autre poisson oui. Find out better ways to house your Betta to keep it happy and healthy in our betta than a bowl guide for betta fish. I have set up a partition in a 10 gallon tank fish tank and added another beta fish. All my fish were doing good but about a week ago some platies and mollies started dieing I don't know why they are dieing do you have any ideas of why they are dieing? Mon premier betta, il y a de ça quelques années était dans un 54 litres avec deux femelles,manque d'expérience et mal conseillée. He flared at them for a minute, but calmed down when they didn't do anything. In addition, if they are indeed fiddler crabs, they require a brackish setup where your betta can't live. Do you think this will work? Never attempt to keep your betta with other fish without a backup plan in case it doesn't work out. The first examples were sent out by Kamphol of Aquari-Corp in Thailand. You never know how an individual betta is going to react to any of these fish. And what fish would be compatible with a female betta two mollies three neons two coris and one platy. 400 L net , 400 L brut . Betta femelle avec d'autres poissons ... Avec un combattant mâle, si vous avez au moins trois Betta femelles dans un aquarium d'au moins 40 litres. Treat your betta fish to a great life. thanks for all the information! I would like to have some tank mates for the betta and was thinking of a snail and an african dwarf frog, but my concern is mostly around feeding (hoping everyone will get along but prepared to move the frog to the small tank as an immediate back up plan, if necessary). He was very agressive at first bossing around the other fish. Max; Temp. In a tank smaller than ten gallons he is much better off alone, even if you have the, In a ten-gallon tank, only add critters as tank mates. Will he still be aggressive to other fish? Morfologia. Està cobert d'escates, les quals creixen des de la pell i se superposen les unes a les altres d'una manera semblant a les teules del sostre d'una casa. Now, in her 15 gallon tank, she lives peacefully with three albino corydoras and a mystery snail(possibly an apple snail, it's huge, I'm surprised it doesn't eat the live plants). Why not give him his own beautiful 5-gallon tank and let him live out his final days in peace? Much of your success in keeping a betta with other fish will depend on his temperament. I'm not sure if they are colorful enough, but I think they're rather pretty. They are really not appropriate for most home aquariums. The danger of putting a betta with other fish is only partially about him attacking the other fish. La période de reproduction chez les bettas splendens est stressante et peut fragiliser le mâle et la femelle. I am assuming you cycled the tank before adding fish. 2 months ago I had added 2 bright orange mickey fish to the tank and never had a problem with the betta. If you get the 15 you will have bit more wiggle room for tank mates and aquascaping. 31 janv. Even if you follow all of the suggestions in this article, there is still a possibility your betta will not get along in a community tank or tolerate any other fish or critter in his environment. Cohabitation entre femelles bettas - aquachange . Goldfish grow much too large for the typical betta tank. It may seem like a no-brainer that bettas and goldfish would make great tank mates. While goldfish are generally docile, they are colorful and often have flowing fins, which has the potential to provoke aggression in a male betta. Over 100 years ago aquarists in the Orient began breeding Betta fish to emphasize color and finnage. Find live betta fish at Petco. I've just recently set up a 20 gallon aquarium (which is currently unoccupied as the nearest pet store is about an hour away) and the plan was to make a betta the focal point of the tank, but when I got the tank set up I felt that there would be quite a bit of empty space left over. Entretien aquarium betta. You need to judge his interaction with other fish and determine what is right for him. En eau douce, bien filtrée. :) Staying up late now and then will be okay for him, as long as his light isn't on all the time. I didn't do my research and my betta is with three female plattys in an uncycled tank, I have no idea what to do from this point on. Shoaling fish are less stressed with other fish are around them. On peut mettre le Betta dans un aquarium communautaire en vérifiant auparavent les compatibilités. In the meantime you want to keep an eye on water parameters, and possibly do a partial water change. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on October 25, 2017: Hi Anthony- Your 3-gallon tank is too small for one betta let alone a betta plus neons. While they don't fight like males, they can still be aggressive at times. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on March 04, 2017: Hi LouiseMux! Eric Dockett (author) from USA on October 18, 2016: Hi Kayley: The problem with two female Betta is that one may harass the other to the point of illness or death. I don’t know what the problem is. My question is, is that rule only apply when the girls are in a tank with just other bettas. Vous souhaitez réagir à ce message ? What the heck! Perform a partial water change on tanks with filters (25-30%) and do not remove all of the filter elements at one time if you can help it. They never seemed to notice each other much, and everyone seemed pretty happy. Betta Elephant. I know you said they tested the water, but if you are using tap water, is it possible there is chlorine or other contaminants in there? I have had my betta fish for about a month now and he is in one of those tiny little tanks that I thought they had to be kept in. Any thoughts? The others were dead when we woke up. Goldfish prefer water temperatures slightly cooler than bettas. 400 L net , 400 L brut . Eric Dockett (author) from USA on November 02, 2019: @Kayden - There is no reason to throw a shirt over his tank. A little flaring at a passing fish now and then isn't a problem, but if he's constantly looking for a fight, he needs to come out for his own good. Goldfish pollute the water very quickly. Always have a backup plan in case things don't go well. Sujet: Re: Betta femelles dans aquarium communautaire ? The problem is that I’ve had 2 algae eaters (one at a time) die. 23, M, Visé. Obscurcissez les parois, car les oeufs de ce poisson (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) craignent la lumière. Hopefully they will all get along. Hi Eric, we got our first fish a week ago, a betta and that small "My Fun Fish Tank" - after doing research from great sites like this I see that it is WAY too small for anything to really thrive, we have a 10-gallon tank on it's way (be here in a couple of days). OR should I look into other fish to be tank mates so they can all eat the same type of food? Betta fish are beautiful to look at and peaceful to watch. I think a small school of 5 black skirts would be fine, but I'd not add any more fish after that. I have a 5 gal. Bettas are not shoaling fish, nor are they puppies, kittens, or people. However, petco recently had a 5 for $5 sale on black skirt tetras and so i got a school of them believing they were nice docile fish. This is a disease that doesn't always resolve itself. The first beta has not settled down and now has a protruded belly. Good luck! Unfortunately I don't have experience breeding bettas. Good luck! Keep an eye on the interaction between the fish. There is also a chance they could bully him or pick at his fins. The tank must adjust to the new bioload. I have a Delta Tail male betta in a 5 gallon tank with a filter & heater. But don't add him in there until the tank is cycled and established, and the other animals are in residence. Jul 23, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Chee Chang. Here's a list of compatible fish that can live with a betta, as well as practical advice for choosing a community tank setting. En Asie du Sud-Est, et notamment en Thaïlande, le Betta Splendens était traditionnellement élevé pour participer à des combats. The tank size, water temp, using a bowl, what tank mates to use are all huge variables to think about. Live Betta Aquarium Fish. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on March 21, 2017: @LizCG: Glad to hear the tank is going well. They all ate as well which I assume is a good sign. Le volume de l'aquarium a peu d'importance, la profondeur doit être au maximum de 30 cm. Dvortygirl (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 ] via Wikimedia Commons. After the red one died, probably from stress, I moved the female into a 5 gallon tank with a filter. In my opinion it is far better to consider the temperament and needs of the fish you intend to stock. Some are a solid in color; others have a pattern over their main body color. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on October 10, 2016: @Kelly:I think you can safely add small school of 6 guppies to your 20g tank. You’ll find everything here to get started with a small 5 - 10 gallon freshwater aquarium Included: filter, pH and chemical buffer, live plant seeds, growing mesh. James Gathany (Public domain) via Wikimedia Commons. There might be sales around the holidays or other times of year. 32, M, Lambersart. If you intend to keep a betta fish with other fish, you need to realize what you are getting yourself, and him, into. Algae blooms can occur when nitrogen levels from decaying materials rise in your tank, giving the algae a food supply they can thrive on. The crabs might even hurt your betta. Obviously something about the male sword has upset her view of the tank. It's up to you to keep the tank clean. There is a risk of conflict there, with the male potentially attacking the female. I have one plant and a heater for him, set to 82ºf, but no filtration system or oxygen pump. We had the tap water tested and the aquarium water tested again today for the 5 and also did an ammonia test. So, can you keep any tank mates in your betta's tank? Just keep an eye out for trouble. The mickey fish recently died so I got a male mixed swordtail fish with the exact same coloring. For any betta that would be incredibly stressful, but for an older fish it could be fatal. Just like any other betta, he may get along with tankmates, or he may not. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on July 24, 2017: Hi Pedro. I am hopeful they will do well. But the second I tried to put him in the community tank he must have freaked out or something because he acted dead like he was not moving or breathing or making his frount fins move. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on July 20, 2016: @Betta newbie: The salt might help. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on May 25, 2019: @Neptune's Mom - I would not put any more fish in a 5-gallon tank with the betta. Have a backup plan in case things go sideways, and good luck! 32 L net , 30 L brut . Les mâles ne se supportent pas entre eux, sauf s’ils sont frères ou ont été élevés ensembles . But some Betta are just extremely aggressive by nature. Just trying to think of what could have gone wrong with the 2nd group of neons. 2 frogs are doing great, 1 active, 1 hides a lot. Email: Nom d'espèce: Si vous souhaitez nous aider, vous pouvez partager une photographie de l'espèce (dont vous êtes propriétaire). Good luck! Eric Dockett (author) from USA on September 14, 2016: Hi Shaun: You should be okay but watch for signs of conflict. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on September 08, 2016: @Betta newbie: You can treat with aquarium salt, but it sounds like you have a long road ahead and you may lose more fish. It is far better to add a betta to an established aquarium than to add other creatures in with him in his environment. But my barb doesn't attack the other fish and either does my angel fish. This is caused by poor water quality and a resulting infection. Some fish keepers have all-female betta "sorority tanks". The female has a bit enlarged abdomen and you can see eggs in its anal region. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on October 11, 2016: You're welcome, Cynthia. Petsmart has Top Fin branded tanks that I always thought were pretty decent for beginners. Sounds like you have a worst-case scenario there. Please respond :). I'd like to have a nice looking Betta fish in it, but I really would also like a few of those small bottom dwelling catfish you talk about in some of your articles. I thought he would eventually get used to the other beta due to the sturdy particion. I had added my betta to angel tank for time being untill I clean my betta's tank.For my surprise i had seen him going good with the angel fish.Now both my angel fish and betta are happy with each other. I have a male koi plakat in my 75 with 16 tiger barbs, a firemouth, electric blue acara, Bolivian ram, Tapajós geophagus, and some loaches and he is doing great! 72 L net , 54 L brut . In the wild, however, they have to either find or hunt down their food to survive. I wouldn't do anything smaller than a ten or 15 gal. First, rest assured, your betta is not lonely. The Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish is one of the most popular aquarium fish. I bought a Betta this weekend and I have a 20l ,5 Gallon, tank for him. Plantes, racines et cavités en guise d'abris. I'm going to go get the Cories in 2 days and I have a small tank I can temporarily keep the Betta in, just in case I see the Betta I want. Thanks for the kind words and good luck with your new tank. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Basic tank maintenance goes a long way when it comes to reducing the chances of cloudy water. Performing regular partial water changes, vacuuming the gravel to remove excess waste, and following a smart feeding schedule are three big things you can do to keep the water clean and healthy for your betta. Should we take him out and establish the tank first? They require heavy filtration, and the amount of waste they produce would be stressful for a betta. You're making a smart decision, and the 10-gallon definitely will not be too large for him. Please advise. I do have a smaller tank set aside (I think it's a 2 gallon?) Overfeeding is the easiest to check off the list. I hope all of your fish live long and happy lives! I want to get some guppies how many can I get? ? Female Betta can be aggressive too. That might give you some ideas on what is going wrong. The tetras were in the tank almost two weeks. If you're thinking of cories or otos or something similar you should be okay, but you never know. It is small enough for a desktop or tabletop, but large enough to provide adequate swimming room for a betta. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on April 15, 2018: @Angel - In my opinion, you have a very high potential for conflict with your angel/betta setup. By Soulkeeper (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Les femelles par contre peuvent cohabiter ensemble. Thank you so much! Okay merci !! I have a 40 gallon long aquarium that is cycling at the moment im thinking of getting a school of neon tetras and ember tetras, maybe 3 glow fish do you think I could introduce a male betta into this tank? Espace vital en captivité . Free Shipping every day over $75 with promo code 'FREE75'. What do I do? Le mâle construit un nid de bulles en choisissant de. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Bêta Fish" de Catherine Nadon sur Pinterest. There is also the danger of conflict between the two. Answer: He very well may be. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on February 27, 2018: Keep my boy in a 20 gal community with ADFs, danios, tetras, and a few shrimp. tank with one male betta. I have a question that I don’t know if you’ll know the answer to but maybe you can help. so I have had a cherry shrimp live with my betta in a 2.5 gallon tank and the shrimps lived a good 2 years but I want to know so then would it be safe to put a few ghost shrimp with my new betta I got las month who lives in water 76 degrees Fahrenheit and has a filtration system that goes 90 gallons per hour and in a 5.5 gallon tank. Betta fish will typically eat as much as you can feed them in captivity. Goldfish are best kept with others of their kind, in a habitat assembled specifically for their needs. Sorry for the novel, PS all the other fish are perfect and “appear” happy ;). Siamese Fighting Fish on Behance. In fact, under the best circumstances, your betta will have a far better quality of life in a community tank than he would have in a tank by himself. As with any fish, a betta may or may not tolerate them. He may be aggressive toward the ghost shrimp, or he may not care about them. Good luck with your tank! Eric Dockett (author) from USA on November 27, 2016: Thanks Jack! Mis en eau il y a 11 … There are actually many, many varieties. So, I am about to add my betta to my community tank. Got 3 platies, 1 female and 2 males, and 3 zebra danios for a total of 6. The answer to both questions is maybe. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on August 03, 2016: Hi Christina! Shoaling fish like to have other fish around, especially those that are like them. Betta splendens est à maintenir de préférence en aquarium spécifique, les femelles Betta sont plus aptes à la vie en communauté. Beyond initial contact, all is well in my tank. As responsible fish keepers, we want to provide the best care for our betta fish that we can, which may possibly mean tank mates. in case there is any aggression, but I'd love to have everybody together in the same tank. If you wish to have other fish live with your betta, you need to consider an aquarium larger than ten gallons. Your fish only needs a small pinch of food or about three pellets per day.