A 100% change will depend on the size of your tank and many other factors like if you have live plants, how your water parameters are, and algae levels for example. The Betta (Siamese Fighting Fish) is among the most popular fishes the due to the wide variety stunning colours and tail types to choose from, as well as, its ease of maintenance. Persistent refusal may mean trying a different brand or blend until you find the right one. Missed him. Is there a specific type of heater I should be using or should I not use one at all? Femelles plus dociles. I’m asking what plants to use because I don’t want to put anything potentially toxic in there. I plan to do weekly water partial water changes, but I’m unclear about how often to clean the decorations. La cohabitation avec des crevettes de taille suffisante (4cm minimum) reste possible. I bought a fish tank the shape of a fish it holds a gallon if I put another half gallon in it ; it will go to the top I bought this because all I ever see bettas in are small bowls so I thought I was doing a good thing now reading this don’t know what to do the tank is really nice to. He doesn’t seem sick. The only time a heater is not required is if the surrounding temperature in the room the tank is in is at least 78 degrees Fahrenheit. I may be getting some bettas soon and ive never had one before, however i do keep multiple reptiles. This is my first time buying snails and I’m wondering if I’m doing too much by adding the snails? He’s active and eats well. He proceeded to take it to an employee’s only room, and I assume he either ‘put it down’ or it died itself. It’s possible for a betta to live a long time in poor housing, but it’s a dull and boring life for them. I bought one of those siphons to help get rid of it, but I see in your articles that you mention an aquarium-safe turkey baster. The only thing I could guess on is all of the things you did in a short period of time may have caused additional stress. So I went to Petco and bought three more female baby bettas. I was giving two baby bettas a female and a male the past couple weeks. Right now the GH has been a steady at 75ppm and the KH has been steady of 40ppm. (It is more chalky looking now than shiny, though.) However, I was wondering what is the proper/easiest way to do water changes on a 5gal tank and when do they need to occur? Look for odd behavior and signs of illness or fin damage. Cette espèce aime les eaux acides avec un pH qui doit être inférieur à 7 idéalement. Please read the acclimation page. PLAKAT (pronounced Pla-cat, Plaket, or Pla-cot) Description: Short finned Betta Scientific Name: Betta Splendens. Betta Fish Food; Betta Additives, Treatements; Filtration For Betta Aquariums; Decorations for Bettas; Betta Plush Toys; Bubbles Betta Shirt; Betta Maintenance; Fish Food Expand child menu. A built-in thermostat heater. His water parameters are at: Also, I’m not very familiar with those tanks, but as long as you have a regulated heater, you should be fine. I want to know what could have caused this. Also, what is the white debris/bubbles in my tank? Keep a pH kit in your supplies to test your tank’s water. When I put food out he doesn’t come for his food, I even bought brine shrimp, and I never see him eat like he used to. He is lethargic. ), long flowing fins and a visible ‘beard’ protruding out from their gills. The pH is too high, and based on what I read, peat moss in a filter bag sounded like a nice natural option, but it didn’t change anything. A good brand is API, and is available at your local pet stores or on Amazon. Almost looks like he gets under and then the hideout keeps him from floating back to surface. The beautiful betta is pretty resilient and inexpensive to purchase and maintain, and they can bring years of companionship and joy. My curiosity is about your comment on aquarium salt to keep fins healthy- I’ve not heard of that before, but I already have some, as I keep brine shrimp separately, so adding it is easy to his water enough. I’ve been researching like crazy before I buy the fish, but haven’t found anything pertaining to blue lights. To put this into perspective, you could live survive inside a tiny wooden box too if given food and water right? For more information on Fin Rot – please visit this page. Also make sure you have a lid on your tank because bettas are great jumpers, and may leap right out of your tank. It should be plugged in at all times. I’m so glad I found this page – I am a brand new (surprise) betta mom. I just bought a beautiful burgundy Betta. What IS different today is an ammonia spike! Feed him sparingly while he’s cold, because his metabolism is very slow right now. Ensure the water temperature is between 76 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. How are you? What exactly do i have to do.? If you’re finding large blobs of poop that can be a sign of constipation or overfeeding. Please reply soon. Last check was at 7. Thank you. Most of us will have experience keeping it in the initial stage of our aquarium hobby. Thank you, Did you treat the new water with water conditioner? Betta owners like to use what is called the ‘pantyhose test’, running it down the plant or decoration to see if it snags. The same is true if the tank is near a window, the angle the light is entering the tank can make a difference. Thank you . Being able to take care of a betta fish, means knowing what makes them happy and healthy. He had, and still has, a metallic bluish-silver spot on his flank. The filter and the light should go on and off, but the heater has to be on at all times, unless the temperature is over 85 degrees. Steal it and give it a better home….it deserves it…. Haha, I had a betta that used to like eating like that too instead of at the surface. If you wanted to go another health-promoting route, you could use Indian Almond Leaves. It can be done, it’s just more work. I conditioned the new water and got the tank back to his normal temperature and put him back in. When can I use the blue moon light? But I won’t sleep tonight if I killed the snail.) Mine does too but I give him 3 pellets, twice a day and I check if he has finished it or not. This includes the recommended tank size, water quality and maintenance, feeding, and much more! He seems very happy but thought i should ask. Only use approved aquarium decorations and materials that are safe for fish. He poops good too. What can a person do? They work in the store and did not know they sell Bettas. We are now gearing up to purchase another, but are dealing with the effects of how we handled the first fish’s death. Mode repro: ... Betta splendens fait parti du complexe 'splendens' avec : Will he be okay with that? Ammonia and other toxins will build up faster unless you like doing daily water changes and cleanings – depending on your tank’s size. We breed high quality betta fish for sale and ship them directly to your doorstep. Freeze dried bloodworms and brine shrimp are a betta’s favorites. I added a bacterial supplement and it should cycle in the next week or two. Can someone tell me what is wrong with my little guy. This comment was from 2016, but I do appreciate your advice and care to another person who was in need. I put my male and female betta fish into the same tank and put a wall up between them, when I came back a few hours later I noticed my female had somehow gotten over the my males side. If he’s slowly dulling in color then it can be a sign of stress. I have a 2 gallon aquaponic tank. Also, I have two cats how would I get them to leave it alone besides shutting my door because I love having them in my room when I am home and I love playing with them. Hey Bryan, after a while, fishy’s(my bettas name) head has been slowly turning white, his color is red and most of his face has been losing its color, and turning white, and I know it’s not ich because there’s not small circles. Please don’t overfeed . He is in a 1 gallon tank (which I know is too small) I plan on getting a bigger one but can’t at this current moment. Do I need to get a new tank because the space is too big for a betta or would it be okay? I am new to betta fish and have just purchased a round AA Deco o aquarium for my betta which has a built-in LED light. It’s possible, considering the water doesn’t churn as much but I think it’s more than likely something else. The size of the tank determines the strength of the heater – so the water doesn’t get too hot. You can also do a daily 20% change to see if that helps until you get strips. Females, however, can live together in groups of five or more, but the tank size should double to 10 gallons or more. Btw our tank is a 2.5. I love him dearly. It could be natural if his personality is still the same and he’s eating normally and otherwise healthy. I always thought he liked to watch TV. Ph is 6.5. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are very common with beginner aquarists. Also, how can I keep my betas from getting fin rot? He still has a little bulge on the back end where I think the swim bladder is. traditional fighting Bettas. Fin regrowth doesn’t always look 100% the same as the original fin and can be folded over. This is the ultimate one page betta fish care guide it outlines each important aspect of betta fish care, from tank size to tank mates.. By looking at the natural habitat of the betta fish we will see… Why betta fish should not live in vases; Whether you should have a heater on your tank It’s very tough to remove all the soap and it can poison your betta once the tank is refilled. I’ve seen them first-hand at several local Wal-Marts in my area in similar condition. He eats like normal, still very active, and I have no sharp plastic plants just silk. I am having him for a week and he seems to already recognizes me. BETTA YELLOW DRAGON HMPK MALE $ 25.00 Add to cart BETTA GOLDEN DUMBO EAR HMPK FEMALE $ 23.00 Add to cart BETTA WHITE DUMBO EAR HMPK MALE $ 25.00 Add to cart BETTA BLACK LIGHT VEILTAIL VT MALE $ 35.00 Read more I was planning to put API stress coat to dechlorinate the water, and API stress zyme. Betta fish come from a tropical climate in Thailand so they require warm water in their tanks. What size tank are you using? I can see his reflection in it, as can he. Show quality Male Plakat Betta for sale. Plakats can often be mistaken for female Bettas to the untrained eye, however, males will display elongated ventral fins, a rounded caudal fin and a sharply pointed anal fin. See picture.) La dureté Totale (GH) idéale se situe aux alentours de 10 GH. Heaters that are adjustable and contain a built-in thermostat are the best solutions. Bryan go ahead say it….. Bettas do not tolerate abrupt changes in water or water temperature well. It also means knowing what causes stress and disease so you can avoid it. Do they need to be the only fish in one tank, or are there certain fish that they can cohabitate with that they won’t attack? I am already very attached to Tempest, as i have named him, and I want to keep him alive and stress free. I have been all over the web and am getting so much conflicting information. If your tank is getting dirty faster, check the last time you’ve changed your filter media. Betta Plakat Black 4-5; Betta Plakat Black 4-5. you say that the beta needs a day night schedule. Turn off the light at night, even if it turns off the air bubbler. Hi Bryan. Also can you give me an idea a routine to take care of my fish like feeding, cleaning, check the waters temperature, ect. Males will exhibit aggressive behavior against females too. Mustard Gas Halfmoon Plakat Betta (PRE-ORDER) CA$29.99 CA$19.99 Black Orchid Halfmoon Betta (PRE-ORDER) CA$34.99 CA$34.99 Aqua Blue Halfmoon Betta (PRE-ORDER) CA$29.99 CA$29.99 Mustard Gas Halfmoon Betta (PRE-ORDER) CA$29.99 … Le BETTA SPLENDENS est un petit poisson d'eau douce tropicale connu dans le commerce sous le nom de "combattant du Siam". I personally own this tank Carly and love it! Proper betta care includes a systematic maintenance schedule. Hi Bryan! So, fishy has definitely been less bloated than before and is making progress. He came with some fin curling when I got him but its starting to get a bit worse in conjuction with the not eating. Cloudy water can be caused by not rinsing new substrate or filter media before it’s added to the tank? It’s very rare to see a betta fish poop, so that’s not surprising you haven’t. I don’t think it goes less than 65. What best for betta, boiled Sea Sand? One of them is natural and the other one is blue. Hi! My 5 gal fish tank is going to be in the corner of my room next to a window. 9 F, but my glass thermo says it at around 73-74 F. And on the 10 gallon tank. Il est donc préférable de maintenir son Betta dans des températures entre 23 et 25 degrés . That’s great Donna, and thank you for the feedback! Hi, Ranjan that’s great. Giving him a better life is very heartwarming Susan, and unfortunately sometimes a lot of damage has been done that will shorten their life spans from previous poor care. Hello, I have a red crowntail betta purchased 6 months ago. Try an immediate 25-50% water change and see if things improve. Bryan, your website has been a lifesaver! what water treat ment is best sugjested for bettafish. I can’t add a picture. If it has been sitting for months and you’ve rinsed everything extremely well the tank should be fine without needing to purchase new equipment. One of the biggest myths regarding bettas is how they can live just fine inside a tiny bowl or vase. I’ll try a java fern, and some silk plants. Unbelievable talk about a bully to pick on a defensive fish. If he does it seems like a chore to do so and then he’ll just stop swimming and float back to the top. On choisira généralement de la Volvic , possédant des paramètres très bon pour un Betta. It’s always better to establish and cycle the tank prior to introducing a betta, however, you could use a quick-start product to introduce beneficial bacteria immediately. Keep an eye on it, but it sounds like it’s just coloring. Vacuum up uneaten food and waste. It happens all the time and is a very sad way to lose a betta. My daughter works at Kindercare day care. I have no idea why it’s happening. Is there anything else I can do or any other advice you have for me? I also have a couple of panda corys in there that they seem to get along with very well .I don’t think they are the reason for this as I took all the necessary steps to avoid disease and sickness before I added them into the tank. I am planning on buying a heater this week, and then getting another betta. I bought a 2.8L glass bowl and planter with LED base lamp whic doesn’t have a lid. I have personally found that it does keep my fish healthy and I rarely have a betta get ill. For general maintenance I use 1/2-teaspoon per 1-gallon of water. Have not read your comments before so wonder if you touch on their skin problems. Do you know what this could be? My daughter just bought a betta two weeks ago. You can also add Indian Almond Leaves which can help prevent/cure the fin rot too. (I don’t have a typical day and night schedule as he would flare and get upset when I turned off than light). In the morning I noticed his color was like metallic sky blue, the red stripes all gone. Max has a 3.5 gallon tank with filter, pump and heater and seems to acclimating to his new home well (done over a period of a few days). I was always loving to it, but now I feel like I could have cared for it more than I did. Help? They can be peaceful and live with select tank mates depending on their temperament. Thank you, I am going to upgrade him to a 5 gallon glass eventually, but based on his behavior, do I need to upgrade him sooner than later? I’m not sure Because I know bettas don’t like currents. See more ideas about betta, aquarium fish, fighter. Anything that is porous, however, like filter pads etc. And I have to feed them…. Sanjeev, it’s hard to diagnose without additional information, but it sounds like it could have been stress/fin rot. I did a lot of reading before setting up his tank and I’ve read that the GH needs to be 25ppm or lower and the KH needs to be 80ppm or higher. Think your betta fish may be sick? It looks really cool when its on, but I don’t want to hurt the fish. Hi! Unnecessary removal can lead to potential stress and injury. Is that a good thing for the fish? Thanks Donetta! I have him in a 3.5 gallon tank with a couple silk plants (that he loves resting in), a coconut hideout, and the Betta hammock. Not only will you not be supporting a store that doesn’t care for them right, but you will also be ensuring your betta will be healthy and live a long time. Adding live plants is always a great idea to help reduce waste (ammonia) and oxygenate the water too. Varying temperaments are tough when first setting up a sorority tank, not all are cut out for it and usually, more is better than fewer females. Also, is your tank heated? I would start by checking the water parameters, ensuring the pH is in the correct range and ammonia is not building up and above 0ppm. Two in the community tank might give you problems unless there are ample hiding spaces and it’s a larger tank. It is very helpful. He’s laying at the bottom. Is that normal from the filter? If you’re only cycling the water, don’t remove your betta. He is very active and is otherwise very healthy. Nitrate: 0/20 PPM Please let me know your opinion (have photo, but don’t see where to attach it). i am taking care of a sad and cold beta. If you have any advice pls help! I feed him 2 pellets in the morning and 2 or 3 in the evening. Avoid the headache of transhipping with Prism Bettas Premium Imported Show Bettas located in in Illinois. Could this have been the problem? If you’re going away for more than 2-3 days, visit our vacation guide. An ammonia flare up can be from using a habitat that’s too small, or from not having a proper nitrogen cycle established. my beautiful halfmoon betta makes small bubbles almost like a nest, A friend said it means he is happy in his environment. I think he is sick. Should I be adding any plants or decorations to his quarantine tank? With proper care, your betta could live up to ten years despite their average life of 2-4 years. Hi Bryan, My beautiful male betta has a white spot on his left eye that seems to be a bit fuzzy.. What is it and how do I get rid of it for him? I skim the slime off with a net and paper towels, and as soon as I turn the filter back on more comes out of the filter. I just love all this information. Hi, The next day he was bright, ate his pellets (we give him one in morning and one at night) and starting coming to the front when I’d come in the room and talk to him. I don’t know what to do. The tank I have is 10 gallons. Ammonia should ideally be zero parts per million (ppm). Traditional plakats will have two rays. Had him just a week and he is swimming about now, seems healthy. Also, you could fast him for a day or two and see if things improve. The blue light is fine, so long as you don’t keep it on all day, every day – and give them time to rest/sleep in the darkness. Betta fish are very sensitive to changes in their habitat’s temperature and water parameters. I have had A for about two weeks now and all seems to being going well. I had bought tons of new food for her to try but she kept spitting everything out and eventually stopped trying to eat. A 5-gallon filtered tank will only need 1-2 water cycles per week at around 25% of total volume and a 100% water change once per month depending on water quality. Your betta needs room to swim around and places to hide. The darker the better. Their quality has really improved in recent years and look almost identical to the real deal. I wasn’t doing enough vacuuming or water changes or quarantining new fish or logs. Try soaking the pellets in some tank water for a few minutes before adding them in if he eats the pellet as soon as it hits the water. I put her in her own tank and did ANOTHER 100% water change. Another option would be to start a Change.org or other similar petition. He may not see her as a suitable mate. Thank you for writing this! This is my first beta and am new to the obsession fish club. We fasted him then gave him 1/4 of a pea. There is no special one, but a siphon is definitely helpful for bigger cleanings/cycles. How much should I add for the tank size? So I am a new betta fish owner. They were given as party favors at a birthday party my daughter was invited to. Have you replaced the filter media on schedule? Or am I just extremely inexperienced and paranoid?”. If you aren’t going to wait the several weeks for the nitrogen cycle to establish before adding a betta to your tank, then at least use a beneficial bacteria supplement and let the tank run for at least 48 hours. If it’s brown algae – not enough. There digital thermonitor its at 77. Bryan, I wanted to let you know that I have done so many of the suggestions and finally, finally he is showing much better response. Does such a thing exist? Betta fish need a normal day and night cycle. Betta fights are not, as many people believe, fights to the death. I recommend at least a 2.5-gallon because otherwise the water gets dirty fast with ammonia build up and nitrates which are harmful. You don’t want to leave the betta anywhere in direct sunlight as it can heat up the tank too quickly and also cause green algae growth. I also attached the top loading filter that it came with and put it in an area where I can plug it in; it also has a light attached to it. When I moved him to a hospital tank (he lives alone btw) he had blood coming from under the pine coning. Yeah, they are temporary housing Rita because of their aggression towards their species and other brightly colored or long finned fish. i already have a good day to night schedule set up for the lizard and as the heat lamp for my snake has a relatively low light level, he took maybe a week to adjust to having this small amount of light and he sleeps quite well (its adorable, once i find him between the leaves in his enclosure, he is so peaceful looking), i was wondering if a betta may adjust the same way he has and adapt to having a low amount of light at night. I almost cried, and that’s saying something because it takes ALOT to make me cry. Change 100% of the water for smaller tanks (e.g. DO NOT put two males in the same tank because they will fight and nip at each other, likely until one is dead or severely stressed. Thanks. Great article, thanks so much. She loves pellets. Will he have the same reflection issues in the glass tank? I haven’t come across any battery operated heaters, but is there an option to run an extension cord to the heater from a nearby outlet? Recently, at my local Petco I did see a female sorority tank with about 10 females in it. If in doubt, always ask a local pet store employee before you buy a potential community fish, or read the forums at bettafish.com. Monitor water parameters with test kits and strips. Wonderful info. Till he finishes it’s fine, his food his way to eat. Consider purchasing a pH kit to keep it in a healthy range if necessary. Dear Sir, Learn how to properly care for your new betta fish. I choose him because he greeted (no flaring) me at the ‘glass’ everytime I got close. Is this so or why does he make all those tiny bubbles? I was wondering if this is normal or if I should be doing something else to clear it up? If you’ve read this page, it has all of the major things you should be concerned with. The ph and water temp are good. Average Lifespans, Swim up to investigate when you get close to their habitat, Are aggressive and may flare at you or other stimuli, Loss of appetite for extended periods of time. Consider printing or saving it for future reference: The difference between female betta fish care and male betta fish care is very minimal. I’ve had a betta for about a month. It's where your interests connect you with your people. I have been doing research for months before I started college, so I could have a little friend with my while I started my journey. Should you have a background on the tank? You can use the turkey baster in-between the bigger cleanings. The one that lived longer also had constant fin rot that would go away when we treated it, and then came back. I just got my Betta fish today and he has yet to go in the tank. Regular bleach that is free of detergents and perfumes is another excellent and powerful cleaning option; especially after disease. Another more time consuming option is to place the two betta’s in separate breeding tanks with their own food during feedings. Only remove your betta fish during 100% water changes. Can the blue light do harm to bettas? Im readin the info on this site and now I’m not sure if my purchase was right. How can I lower the GH and raise the KH? Betta fish normally occupy the top half of their habitat, however the floating issues are concerning. If it’s green algae, you’ve had the light on too much. This may be due to changes in water parameters or temperature. To show that I am again buying a beta, and I will take care of it better than I did show it all my love that I had to my old beta and even more. I feed him once a day. This was heightened from selective breeding in the 1800s and is still a part of their genetic makeup. Plants won’t replace a filter, but they definitely do help. You can use this product or others like it as long as you properly dose it for 6-gallons. Petco did not treat him well. I really want a beta fish! Tanks under 3 gallons will need more frequent and complete water changes to avoid dangerous levels of ammonia. Now help me if that’s ok or not . Female Betta Male Betta Plakat Halfmoon Crowntail Giant Betta Koi Betta Dumbo Ear Nemo Betta Dragon Betta It is a small tank-don’t know exactly how big-less than 5 gallons. Yes, you can. Not sure about it’s sex. Anything is appreciated! You will be very sad if your betta jumps out and dies that way. Thank you for the information. He has a heater, filter, hideouts, two silk plants, and one live plant. Also, your chlorine is at 0.5 and should ideally be at 0.0ppm which can be improved by doing another 15% water change and measuring again. Betta fish care sheet. And fasting her once a week. I’ve had other fish before but never a betta. Big maintenance day for this aquarium. I refer to this website very often. One of our snails isn’t doing great, so I’m preparing to do a partial today and take a whiff of the snail and make sure he’s not dead. I’ve had them in there for a few months now, low flow filter, 50 watt heater, and tons of silk plants. P.S. Removing too much of the existing water in the tank and then adding new can cause your fish to go into shock. This discrepancy is largely due to misinformation in pet stores, on the internet, and from other betta owners. I figured she just didn’t like the food but she wouldn’t eat anything. Betta’s also love treats once in awhile, but they might start to prefer them if you overdo it. PH: 7.0 Click here : Fishes Live/Stock Videos Plakat is short for Plakat Thung - which means "fighter fish" in Thai, and were once a specific wild breed but now this term is used in general for larger round tail bettas. What is the answer to this abuse? does this mean that I have to purchase a new tank, filter, and everything else? I’m not sure if you’re still in the market for a tank, but if so, the Penn Plax Vertex is a decent budget-friendly entry-level tank. Is there something else that could be wrong. Never let the water in your tank drop below 65 degrees or go above 82 degrees, and try to keep it in the range of 76 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Get on a regular feeding schedule, and follow these guidelines if you’re still unsure. In your post above, you said to never leave bleach on any tank surface for longer than 10 minutes. I got a net breeding tank and put the 2 of them in before feeding the rest. I’m feeding her blood worms 2 times a week & Betta flakes. The bright setting should be used during the daytime/early evening, and if you want to, you can switch to the blue (less bright) light in the later evening/night, but make sure you turn it off before going to bed because betta’s need a day/night schedule as well for rest. You wouldn’t be very happy or healthy though. This is why bettas don’t require air pumps. Il existe de nombreuse espèces du genre Betta, mais ici il ne sera question que du B. splendens. So far Perry seems to like the extra space, hoping Luke does as well! Visit our complete guide to the best live and fake betta fish plants. Always rinse, rinse, rinse all surfaces with clean water to remove any bleach traces before refilling. https://bettasplendensfish.fandom.com/wiki/Plakat_Betta?oldid=4133. L'offre «Betta Plakat gold» a été supprimée. Hi Theresa, 4 years is considered to be an elder betta as average life span is approximately 2-5 years. I went ahead and purchased my 5th female betta and all is well. I set up my 5 gallon Betta Tank a couple days ago with a filter and heater. All existing and new decorations (including stones) should be washed thoroughly with hot, hot water to remove dust and other contaminants. We both feel bad for the poor guy and want to help him. Is adding salt problematic for any of the plants (anubias, java moss, water sprite)? Or since we have rinsed it out and left it dry for a couple months will it be okay to use again? When should I put my Betta in the tank? Baffle intake tubes and exits with pre-filters if necessary to reduce strong currents. That’s great to hear he’s doing better! It’s totally normal for a Betta put pellets in the mouth and spit out. His color seems to be fading all over. This fish can learn to recognize their owners, and they also create bubble nests. ... Concernant la maintenance de ces poissons relativement grands dans de petits aquariums, la raison est que ces poissons vivent à l’état sauvage dans des rizières, donc ils ne supportent pas la pression.