Entrez votre adresse mail pour suivre ce blog et être notifié par email des nouvelles publications. J. Casals, Rockefeller Foundation Source Blood from experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Document Envisions Pandemic Police State Scenario. Même les nations les mieux préparées à la pandémie ont été rapidement dépassées lorsque le virus a fait son apparition dans le monde entier, infectant près de 20 % de la population mondiale et tuant 8 millions de personnes en sept mois seulement… ». John Law, 1720. En 2015 un brevet contre covid 19 a été déposé par Richard Rockefeler. Satanists Establish Police State in Melbourne How easily disappear the veneer of civilization and democracy. Ils seraient recrutés parmi les volontaires des Peace Corps et des Americorps (créés par le gouvernement USA officiellement pour “aider les pays en voie de développement”) et parmi les militaires de la Garde Nationale. If there are many more cases in reality, then the case fatality ratio will be lower.” Edmunds went on to say, “What you can safely say […] is that if you divide the number of reported deaths by the number of reported cases [to get the case fatality ratio], you will almost certainly get the. The Scenario Framework The Rockefeller Foundation and GBN began the scenario process by surfacing a host of driving forces that would affect the future of technology and international development. Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development is a document that comes from the Rockefeller Foundation. Glad to find this site. F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.” No medication! Milton Friedman, 1991. Ici, cela devient intéressant comme dans ce que certains appellent la programmation prédictive.Selon le scénario Schwartz, « En 2012, la pandémie que le monde avait anticipée pendant des années a finalement frappé. Si nous écrivons et publions, c’est pour être lu…. Much of the land now is privately owned, so the plan is to put an end to private property by any means necessary, including confiscatory taxation and regulation. It was established by the prominent Rockefeller family in New York State on May 14, 1913, when its charter was formally accepted by the New York State Legislature. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. L’un des scénarios porte le titre intriguant de « LOCK STEP : Un monde où le contrôle gouvernemental est plus strict et le leadership plus autoritaire, où l’innovation est limitée et où les citoyens sont de plus en plus réprimés ». En 2017 et 2018 de nombreux pays ont acheté es millions de tests covid 19, L’institut Pasteur a aussi déposé plusieurs brevets contre le covid 19 . Opération conduite au nom du “contrôle du Covid-19”, dont le taux de mortalité, d’après les données officielles, est jusqu’à présent inférieur à 0,03% de la population étasunienne. Whatever has occurred inside China at this point it is almost impossible to say owing to conflicting reactions of the Beijing authorities and several changes in ways of counting COVID-19 cases. The reality is very likely a far lower true mortality according to epidemic experts. Dans le monde en développement, cependant, ce fut une autre histoire ». What’s going on? D. Kohn, 2003. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. I’d already heard a presentation on it years ago anyway. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.” This sounds eerily familiar. Knowledge, by itself, is not power, but it holds the potential for power if used as a guide for action. We offer customer support and an exceptional warranty. La première moitié de ce scénario s’est déjà déroulée. Entrez vos coordonnées ci-dessous ou cliquez sur une icône pour vous connecter: Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte WordPress.com. The pattern of calling the Capitol incident an armed insurrection is a gross mischaracterization of what actually happened. The Heavenly Handbook of Health. Un document de la Fondation Rockefeller publié en 2010 prévoit comment une pandémie peut être utilisée comme excuse pour établir un pouvoir autoritaire mondial Par anguillesousroche.com / F. William Engdahl 10/3/2020 La Fondation Rockefeller a publié un rapport en mai 2010 en coopération avec le Global Business Network du futurologue Peter … Vous vous croyez libre ? Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months…” He continues, “The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. If you truly want to make a difference in the world, Freedom Force International awaits you. The Rockefeller Foundation supports work that expands opportunity and strengthens resilience to social, economic, health, and environmental challenges — affirming its pioneering philanthropic mission, since 1913, to “promote the well-being” of humanity. Screenshot plus bas. That in turn is impacting the global economy. Les citoyens abandonnèrent volontairement une part de leur souveraineté, et de leur vie privée, à des Etats plus paternalistes en échange d’une plus grande sécurité, de plus de stabilité. Never before in the history of modern public health had a government placed an entire city in quarantine by imposing a cordon sanitaire around it. Anxiety Publishing – providing more satisfying novels to the conscious community, stories based in a real world, not the illusion of the establishment. Le rapport Rockefeler date de 2010 . The two organizations have a long history of collaboration ever since 1916, when the John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health was founded with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. Amid what is clearly confusion among many well-meaning health officials and likely opportunism by Western vaccine makers like GlaxoSmithKline or Gilead and others, with alarming speed our world is being transformed in ways just months ago we could not have imagined. Page Natural Mystic Shop We are told to accept the testing results as science-based. has 68,667 members. Puis le scénario devient très intéressant : « Pendant la pandémie, les dirigeants nationaux du monde entier ont fléchi leur autorité et imposé des règles et des restrictions hermétiques, allant du port obligatoire de masques faciaux à la vérification de la température corporelle à l’entrée des espaces communs comme les gares et les supermarchés. The mayor made the decision to abandon the station, which encouraged the rioters to go further. It is not predicting things but projecting them so as to give context to what is planned. It is gaming a future scenario. « La pandémie couvrit toute la planète, quoiqu’elle fît un nombre disproportionné de morts en Afrique, Asie du Sud-Est et Amérique centrale où le virus se répandit comme une traînée de poudre en l’absence de protocoles officiels destinés à limiter la contagion. Alors vous croyez toujours que c’est nous les complotistes? statut fiscal 501c3, fondée par John Davison Rockefeller et Frederick T. Gates (en) Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis Proposes to Ban Universal Mail-in Voting in future Elections, False Claims Still Being Spread about the Capitol Riot, As Israel Reopens, ‘Whoever Does Not Get Vaccinated Will Be Left Behind’, Texas Lost Electricity During Cold Snap that Froze Wind, Natural Gas, and Nuclear-Power Equipment, Facebook Has Blocked All News From and About Australia, The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. A Rockefeller Foundation paper, would it surprise you to know, predicted and planned for the exact type of pandemic scenario in which we find ourselves right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus. It is part of our mutual responsibility.” His mantra is: “Whoever does not get vaccinated will be left behind.”. There is NO Freedom without Health Freedom. US intel informed the IDF and NATO that a deadly pandemic was coming out of Wuhan which would affect military readiness….in NOVEMBER when the Chinese only knew of a hand full of isolated cases. La Fondation Rockefeller et ses partenaires financiers contribueront à créer un réseau pour la fourniture de garanties de crédit et la signature des contrats avec les fournisseurs, c’est-à-dire avec les grandes sociétés productrices de médicaments et équipements médicaux. The Rockefeller Foundation is an American private foundation based at 420 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Growing media promotion in the West of shop shelves bare of everyday essentials such as rice, pasta, toilet paper is feeding panic buying everywhere. Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development 2. Many of them would have reacted in horror to the idea before but this disgusting psyop on the human race was just the ticket to achieve these things. « Nous pensons que si vous sapez les bases de la monnaie, vous sapez aussi les bases de l’économie. May 22, 2020, Kathmandu. ( Déconnexion / Includes segments by G. Edward Griffin. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced a new election-integrity reform package to safeguard his state’s elections. Foi também senior fellow no Stanford Humanities Center (2003/4) e Rockefeller Fellow no National Humanities Center (2010/1). Bitcoin is the currency of the 21st century. Pendant la pandémie, des chefs d’Etat adaptèrent leur autorité, imposant des règles strictes et des restrictions, port obligatoire du masque, contrôle de température à l’entrée des lieux publics, gares ou supermarchés. The problem is that no one can say precisely what the true death rate is. They only look at specific claims about the document, none of which I had heard actually and denies them but it does not even touch on the serious issues and they are far more obvious now in August than back in March when this was written. La fondation Rockefeller l'invite à New York en 1934. Mieux que 1984 avec Yahoo Actu : le silence des agneaux ! President Biden signed an executive order to “protect” 30% of US land and 30% of US oceans by 2030. "Homo Homini Lupus" : Parce que Hobbes est un killer et Rousseau un doux rèveur.... Nouveau blog , nouvelle année, nouveau cycle ,nouvelle action…. GBN/Rockefeller Scenarios on Technology & Development 1. Dentistry ruins health by mercury fillings, root canals, implants, fluoride, pulling wisdom teeth, tooth extraction causing cavitations, ignoring cranial bones, pulling teeth for orthodontia, ignoring acidity that causes bone loss, etc. If I’ve learned anything about you since we met; this book has the potential to be a blockbuster.” Read 18pg Teaser @ HeavenlyHandbookofHealth.com Simple, incredible, affordable health – any age! G. Edward Griffin’s blood pressure dropped to healthy levels and stayed there after using Cardio Miracle, a nitric-oxide booster containing a blend of ingredients that supports the body’s natural defense against heart disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers, and more. At this point, as cases and the first deaths are being reported in countries outside of China, especially in South Korea, Japan, Iran and Italy, the prime question everyone has is how dangerous this virus is. « La liquidité, l’abondance monétaire, c’est quand on croit que l’on va vendre plus cher que l’on a acheté ». May 2010. G. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. (PDF available here) Summary: The Rockefeller Foundation was started by a pillar of the Protestant work ethic who knew that giving money away has tremendous potential to harm as well as help. En imposant sans retard le confinement de tous ses citoyens, en fermant tout de suite ses frontières de façon presque hermétique, le gouvernement chinois sauva des millions de vies, stoppa la diffusion du virus bien mieux que d’autres pays, et permit une reprise rapide après la pandémie. The question now is how the relevant authorities in the West will use this crisis. The local news station glossed over how many people became sick. Why isn’t this being shared world wide, all over the internet and twitter, facebook etc. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. A diner in Minneapolis, near the police station that was abandoned during the George Floyd riots in 2020, is suing the city for $4.5 million. Solving Global Challenges with Lasting Impact. Contact us at [email protected]. These X-Class solar storms hit the Earth every 150 years, on average. This pdf section called “Lockstep.”Written 10 years ago chronicles how to bring the world down with a pandemic Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. There is an expectation for law enforcement to do their job. The WHO and the USA CDC some years ago changed the definition of deaths from seasonal flu to “deaths of flu or pneumonia.” The CDC calculates only an approximate flu death count by totaling death certificates processed that list “pneumonia or influenza” as the underlying or contributing cause of death. S’il était réalisé même partiellement, se produirait une ultérieure concentration du pouvoir économique et politique dans les mains d’élites encore plus restreintes, au détriment d’une majorité croissante qui se verrait privée des droits démocratiques fondamentaux. It seeks to identify and accelerate breakthrough solutions and ideas to solve global challenges – similar to what the world is … How many were elderly with pneumonia or other lung diseases is unclear. Divide and conquer is the end game of this strategy. Non, vous vivez une "expérience". Lock Step: Think tank predicts possible outcome to … It has been re-uploaded by various parties. Souverainiste Européen : antimondialiste raisonnable, antiislamiste raisonné, anticapitaliste financier mais pas trop et antisocialiste fabien mais pas assez….Libertarien par Idéal mais Etatiste par pragmatisme ! Bill Gates And Neo-Eugenics: Vaccines To Reduce Population | Rockefeller Foundation. F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.” Foi desde 2000 professor visitante na Universidade de Chicago. Offline is a documentary on the inevitability of the Earth being slammed by a mega solar flare – not the common type that interrupts communications and creates a light show in the Northern skies – but the big brothers thousands of times more powerful. We are dedicated to … Promote your precious novel with your fellow authors and help build a collection of future classics. The WHO and the USA CDC some years ago changed the definition of deaths from seasonal flu to “deaths of flu or pneumonia.” The CDC calculates only an approximate flu death count by totaling death certificates processed that list “pneumonia or influenza” as the underlying or contributing cause of death. For people and all animals. I would never trust anything the Rockefeller Foundation says. Si la raison pouvait […]. La question est maintenant de savoir comment les autorités occidentales compétentes vont utiliser cette crise. That lock down was quickly extended to other China cities to the extent that, for the past weeks, a major part of the world’s second largest national economy has shut down. “But no one was prepared for a world in which large-scale catastrophes would occur with such breathtaking frequency. These forces were generated through both secondary research and in-depth interviews with Foundation staff, Foundation grantees, and external experts. The last one arrived 156 years ago. Instead, they tried to normalize vaccine injury by quoting Dr. Maureen Ahmann, who said, “I am not surprised if people are having some of the reactions like that to the vaccine. We do not attempt to verify the accuracy of statements made therein or vouch for the integrity of advertisers. Encontre aqui obras novas, exemplares usados e semi-novos pelos melhores preços e ofertas. Would like to see an update by Mr. Engdahl. Les AFFAIRES; Les Lois, Pièges et Protocoles; Combattre la pédocriminalité A May 2010 scenario planning report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network envisions the likely creation of a technological police state in response to a deadly worldwide pandemic. This report was produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months…” He continues, “The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. scenarios-for-the-future-of-technology-and-international-development-rockefeller-foundation Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t77t6dd8n Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Get all the information here. Both parties are still exploiting it for a new domestic War on Terror. The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. WHO warns about paper money contagion risk. Our right lies in force. One scenario carries the intriguing title, “LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” Here it gets interesting as in what some term predictive programming. " La Fondation Rockefeller a publié un rapport en mai 2010 en coopération avec le Global Business Network du futurologue Peter Schwartz. Sous-titre : « Un monde où les gouvernements exercent leur domination de haut en bas plus étroitement et une direction plus autoritaire, avec des innovations limitées et une répression croissante des citoyens. Dr. Vernon Coleman, MD, explains that, as a form of legal protection against lawsuits, doctors obtain informed consent from patients relating to what could go wrong with a medical procedure. For principals and testimonials please visit our website. “In fact, we only usually report a small proportion of them. " La Fondation Rockefeller a publié un rapport en mai 2010 en coopération avec le Global Business Network du futurologue Peter Schwartz. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. Des systèmes de ce type -rappelle la Fondation Rockefeller- sont réalisés par Apple, Google et Facebook. Help needed and appreciated. So far I am floored. Cependant, un petit nombre de pays firent beaucoup mieux – la Chine en particulier. Même localement, les commerces et les bureaux ordinairement actifs restèrent vides durant des mois, privés d’employés et de clients. The 2010 Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘Lock Step’ paper and the Johns Hopkins Event 201 predicted and rehearsed for a pandemic. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”. On nous cache tout! Tedros stated, “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. In fact, the United Nations now have the official New World Order website up and running. C’est toujours le terme utilisé en anglais pour désigner un f […], « Maintenant, la question du racisme systémique est abordée à la télévision. Dans les pays développés, cette surveillance accentuée prit des formes diverses : des cartes d’identité biométriques pour tous les citoyens par exemple, et une régulation plus serrée des industries clefs dont la stabilité paraissait vitale aux intérêts de la nation. Contact [email protected] or 800-229-0297, Ultimate Wealth Building Guide reveals 5 steps to create your own banking system to achieve lifetime financial security,certainty, and peace of mind in 60 days. Call us at 888-891-1122 to discuss the many benefits. This is how organisations make plans for and prepare for possible futures. Fear is never a good guide to sound reason. Non, vous faites partie d’une "communauté". The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded, At this point, as cases and the first deaths are being reported in countries outside of China, especially in South Korea, Japan, Iran and Italy, the prime question everyone has is how dangerous this virus is. Et toi, Kamarat, c’est quoi, ta « race sociale » ? The appearance of ads on this site does not signify endorsement by the publisher. Here it is useful to go back to a highly relevant report published a decade ago by the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the world’s leading backers of eugenics, and creators of GMO among other things. Il poursuit : « La pandémie a également eu un effet mortel sur les économies : la mobilité internationale des personnes et des biens s’est arrêtée, ce qui a affaibli des industries comme le tourisme et brisé les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on, Democrats Introduce Aggressive Immigration Bill, Trump Impeachment Trial Highlights Hypocrisy and Double Standards, Small Businesses Fight Back Against Rioters and Negligent City Officials, Second Pfizer COVID Shot Halted in Spain After 46 Deaths in One Nursing Home Following the First Shot, One Third of US Troops Are Rejecting Covid RNA Vaccine, Biden Signs Executive Order for Federal Control over 30% of America’s Land and 30% of US Oceans, India Challenges Pfizer to Perform Clinical Trial on Its Covid Vaccine, Pfizer Drops Out, Minneapolis to Spend $6.4-Million to Hire More Police after Trying to Abolish Police.