Josh_Enrique thank you for being nice. all can live peaceably with bettas and not compete for food. With it all narrowing down, I would not suggest you keep betta fish and zebra danios together, as most experienced fish keepers will tell you, and we all have our reasons to believe that. But after they found out I was still feeding my betta, they would come right back. you read and agreed to the. Mar 1, 2009. danios + betta = unhappy, hungry betta without fins. my bettas do not live together. It was actually funny and scary at the same time! The tank is heavily planted and he had a floating beta log that he loved. Rashida, glow light, Pristella and glow fish. then last week i got 5 zebra danios (from petsmart). she doesn’t have a sad look in her eyes like other bettas. Personally, I think bettas are splendid on their own. Initialement, Sundadanio a été créé pour classifier le Sundadanio axelrodi, d'abord rangé parmi les rasbora à cause de sa petite taille. Pour le volume de l'aquarium, c'est le volume minimal, un volume … now as for bruiser and co, they obviously can’t read right. i tried my other two fish, but they hated her & chased her around. Il arrive qu’une femelle en tue une autre par jalousie sans doute. Which is great, because neon tetras swim around the middle, which means they won’t be butting heads all the time. i’ve owned fish for years and they are happy and healthy. Two of the females seem perfectly fine and are off exploring the tank and when they run into each other or the tank mates there has been some looking but they swim on. I think it’s because other fish were mean to him before i bought him and now he thinks he has to defend himself against everybody and everything. I did a years’ worth of research on bettas, and also, Prince was to breed with paris ( yes, i did research on that, too. ) I agree that fish have feelings but you cant see in their heads and know exactly what they are feeling. You are using an out of date browser. Apologizes, Animal Advocate. Again Betta are solitary fish by nature but can be kept with some fish. Bizarre par contre que ça ait fondu, il a du beaucoup chauffé pour en arriver là ! I understand now that these fish are in their own tank, which was not very clear at first. There are two reasons why this problem is bad. Here are some points about zebra danios and betta fish compatibility based on my experience: Point #1: Zebra danios are HUGE fin nippers, and betta fish have HUGE fins. Shop all fish goldfish, betta & more online Jul 25, 2015 - Explore Fritz Aquatics's board "Rasboras & Danios" on Pinterest. Le Betta n'a pas à cohabiter avec des Danio que ce soit dans un grand bac ou petit, déjà à cause de la T° de l'eau, les Danio préfèrant l'eau fraiche et le Betta l'eau chaude mais aussi à cause de l'énergie, comme tu le constate le Betta est plus lent, les Danio trop vifs. :( he favors my Goldfish Breyer, but they can’t be kept together. I wish I had read this before I joined them in 1 tank :( now my male betta is gone huhu :( It’s really emotional for me because he’s my first fish :( :(, I have a 40 gallon long tank and have kept a make betta with a tetra tank without any problems. I had my betta in with 3 tiger barbs once. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. Thank you :) Just to clarify, my conclusion doesn’t mean that betta fish CAN’T be with any fish like you mentioned about the bottom dwellers. Are betta fish and zebra danios compatible? Point #4: Zebra danios move a lot and may stress out your betta. However, I don’t believe that that is a fact that was proven. I didn’t know danios didn’t like warm water! Two is that my betta got extremely skinny that you could almost see his spine! Can zebra danios and neon tetras school together? I would give the barbs flake and the betta pellets. about two months ago i bought a betta (from petsmart) with a ten gallon tank and filter. Bettas are however very inquisitive fish, so the best way of enriching your Bettas life is to provide her with lots of plants, rocks and driftwood to swim around and explore. Here I will explain to you about my experiment with betta fish and zebra danios and the outcome. You could say that your goldfish is pleading for food all the time and kill it by overfeeding and causing bloat, but you wouldnt because it’s wrong. If you have a big enough tank then you could try a sorority of 5 or above but that is the only thing really. Please leave me a comment. Not because there is. my tropical fish have heaters, and I know a lot about fish. I do believe Cloudy wants the best thing for my fish but I think Bruiser and Co was trying to pick a fight. Here's Steve a … on account of danios like cold water, i would never purchase a danio for a tropical fish!!! D’où son autre nom, le « Combattant », les mâles se combattent, souvent jusqu’à la mort. Le Devario malabaricus est très vif. Cloudy, Paris likes everyone. Les Danios et Rasboras sont des petits poissons de banc vivant dans la partie médiane de l’aquarium. These members are trying to advise you what is best for Betta fish. Because you said that you betta and goldfish were friends, we thought that you had them together. ( the male has been gone for a year. Point #2: Betta fish and zebra danios both LOVE to eat. Your betta will oftentimes choose territory near the top of the tank. My betta, however, would not care less about his little tankmates. Please listen to cloudy, bruiser and co and josh. If your betta is aggresive though, your danios will learn to hide instead of attack. Amanda. It will stress the fish if you keep them with other fish, especially nore lively ones such as danios. In fact they all get along well. is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! On le retrouve dans les eaux stagnantes de Thaïlande, du Cambodge, du Viet Nam, du Laos ou encore de la Malaisie, le plus souvent dans des rizières. They require different food, and have completely different requirements. 3,307 3.3K. i have my betta with 4 danios (3M, 1F) in a 5 gallon (17ltr) tank with a few real plants. my fish don’t have ick or any disease. Zebra danios killing and eating all the other fish! Bettas are solitary fish in the wild so it makes sense to keep them alone in captivity as well. Oct 22, 2020 - Zebra Danio at PetSmart. Josh_Enrique is OMG ladynaoko,how is Steve now?? I believe that bettas will be much better off without any sort of tankmates, but I’m not saying that there is no fish that can get along with betta fish. Maybe they are trying to... Are your danios aggressive, or are they just bored ? I really liked this article, very well done. It would help a ton!!!!!!!!!!!! I love fish and would never hurt them..... Bettas like their own space, tank mates can stress a Betta out, and stress in fish can weaken the immune system leading to illness. Je pense que tu l'as un peu compris, la difficulté consiste à trouver des poissons pouvant vivre dans 30 litres, et parmi les "poissons pour débutants", il n'y en a pas tant que cela disponible couramment dans le commerce aquariophile. It was more like the zebra danios were being aggressive to him. You must log in or register to reply here. I like knowledge with experience when it comes to betta fish. les danios, même pour 55L, c'est un juste il me semble car comme tu le dis, ils sont vifs, et aiment nager. about a month later i went and bought three albino cory cats and an african dwarf frog (from petco). yesterday i got 5 zebra danios... Zebra danio wont eat! cloudy, my betta is lonely. It made me cry. I know ... How many coryadors and zebra danios in a 20 Long. I’m glad that I finally was understood. Les mâles ne se supportent pas entre eux, sauf s’ils sont frères ou ont été élevés ensembles . i know male and female bettas don’t live together. Breyer used to be nice to Paris ( my LONELY female betta ) but now she’s evil to her, too. Hello everyone! Le combattant Betta splendens peut parfaitement cohabiter avec d'autres poissons, y compris dans 30 litres. here comes more stress.... fish have feelings just as much as you and me, rubber duck. thanks for the information....but.... female bettas can be kept with a lot of fish. I know that some might say that 10 gallons is too small for 6 zebra danios with a betta, but this was just a temporary experiment and the fish are back in their own homes. My male betta, Prince, is having a lot of aggression problems... ( all of my fish are kept by themselves, however ) I really need help cooling him down. I study dogs, too. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. I’m an expert on hamsters and getting there with fish. Les Danios ont une tête robuste et une bouche qui est dirigée vers le haut car c’est un poisson qui se nourrit uniquement à la surface. Level: Beginner. In fact, I’m still helping my poor betta recover from the underfeeding three weeks later! I agree, if I were to oh Bettas with any tank mates it would be stuff like only Nerite Snails, Pygmy Cories, or Harlequin Rasboras and ev3n so depending on the Betta’s personality. that’s what I was trying to do! and also paris doesn’t have a sad look in her eyes. My fish are so cute & sweet and I’ll be looking for a great tank mate for a female betta. find out if danios were friendly to female bettas. ). he’s nice to her, my goldfish & my betta never lived together. Whatever you do please dont get tankmates for your bettas. I’m sorry if I sound Angry/mean as I don’t mean to be. Danios can be REALLY bad with Bettas. jeez....everyone blows up because I asked a question. They will continue to torment your betta. Introducing young angelfish to tank with adult angelfish? How is that any different to forcing your betta to live with another fish unnaturally because you see ‘loneliness in its eyes’ you say that because you want their to be loneliness there. Member. Espérance de vie du Danio rerio et maladies courantes. no my betta’s tank is by my goldfish’s tank. And also is there a catfish I could add in there with the same temp and PH(reletivly)? There are some fish that can live quite nicely with a betta. Sometimes my Zebra Danios chase each other around. I have however given her plants & rocks to explore in. Mixing them with other fish is forcing them to live unnaturally. Il est vite devenu populaire pour sa robe tacheté Il apprécie un sol composé de sable et de pierres. All fish have different looks in their eyes because we want them to not because they do. Most less-active bottom dwellers do great with bettas; corydoras, khuli loaches, otocinclus, etc. an ace member at My Aquarium Club. Ils sont plus grands que les femelles et ont de grandes nageoires. That’s another reason why I moved my betta within the first week of this experiment. I don’t know if my betta is just not brave, but your betta may attack the zebra danios with all they’ve got as the betta may think that the danios are trying to take over his territory.